D6 Kids

Sundays | Tuesdays
D6 Kids


Our children's ministry is designed to partner with parents in the family discipleship process. Our Sunday morning D6 program is offered both first and second service from infant to 5th grade. Our mid-week programs, D6 Kids Club for children ages four through third grade and D6 Rooted for fourth and fifth graders, will resume meeting on Tuesday, January 23rd  throughout the school year from 7 PM to 8:30 PM.

Presenting Everyone Complete in Christ.

Meeting Times

Sundays: Every Sunday at 9AM or 11AM

Tuesdays: During the school year from 7 - 8:30PM



Child Check-In Enrollment

Are you new to D6 and need to add your child to our check-in system? Enroll them ahead of time using this form for a quicker and smoother check-in process when you arrive at church!

Midweek D6 2023-24 Registration

Tuesday's | 7PM

Signup for Tuesday night activities for kids ages 4 years old through 5th grade.

Meets Tuesdays at 7PM.

VBS 2024 Breaker Rock Beach

July 8 - July 12 | 9AM-12PM

Our VBS theme, "Breaker Rock Beach" and key verse, Romans 12:2, will focus on presenting the gospel and teaching tools for sharing the gospel with others! Kids will be challenged as they are asked to compare what the world says against what God says. They will learn that God's truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and to speak the truth in love. By the end of the week the kids will know they can stand on God's rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands!